以下為 各同好參展的部份作品

Below are some of the exhibits to be displayed


Van Chiu

上年有幸被LEGO邀請,將小時候照片中的車站翻新建造,再將成品放到LEGO 90周年玩「樂」不停(Never Stop Playing)的宣傳片中。圖為在片場中拍攝的。

中文配音版: https://www.facebook.com/LEGOHongKong/videos/990599588389099/

放了上日本的youtube版(需VPN): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teIrORIKZtk


Mr. YJ


Hi I am MR.YJ, Lego fan and Collector of 90s LEGO System SAPCE themes
My Favorite theme is 1997 LEGO EXPLORIENS Series !
I am also a huge Mecha fan and is now working MOC 40cm tall size big Mecha for all 90s system space themes!

For AFOLs: SPACE Theme is always the Coolest Theme and with Most Memories in their grow-up periods. Most of AFOLs experienced the great 90s system space series and even 1970s Classic Space series. Even till now, “Bring Back Classic Space” is a big request from AFOLs Group.Thus you can clearly feel the popularity of 90s SPACE Theme Design.

自Jason Mocer
